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4 The Genesis Interface

4.1 Starting Genesis

There are various ways of starting the Genesis interface: CLI arguments or workbench (tooltypes) or via an arexx script.

4.11 via Workbench

If you are starting Genesis from workbench, you can setup its icon tooltypes in order to put a certain provider(s) and user online automatically:

PROVIDERthe provider you want to put online
USERthe user you want to put online
PASSWORDif a password is set for this user (user chosen by 'USER' command), you will be required to enter a password or use the 'PASSWORD' tooltype to send automatically
WAITSTACKis the the number of seconds Genesis waits until the AmiTCP kernel is ready

4.12 via CLI

Users running Genesis from their NetConnect dock bar or from a similar system (including programs like Tools Daemon) will most likely configure these programs to launch Genesis from the command line interface (CLI).

Current Genesis CLI commands are:

PROVIDERthe provider you want to put online
USERthe user you want to put online
PASSWORDif a password is set for this user (user chosen by 'USER' command), you will be required to enter a password or use the 'PASSWORD' command to send automatically
WAITSTACKis the the number of seconds Genesis waits until the AmiTCP kernel is ready

You can choose a provider or user from CLI startup, for example:

amitcp:genesis PROVIDER=demon USER=active

This would a) start Genesis, b) choose the provider 'demon' and then c) use the user called 'active'.

You could start this from your NetConnect dock bar. Go to the bar preferences, double-click on the 'Genesis' button to edit it. Choose 'CLI' to execute Genesis and then enter: netconnect2:amitcp/genesis [provider] [user] (substituting the [provider] and [user] for the actual provider and user you want to put online). The next time you start Genesis from your dock bar, Genesis will go online with this config, without you needing to manually choose a provider or user.

4.13 via Arexx

Genesis (NC v2 release v1) has a built in Arexx interface and currently supports these commands:

providerNAME,FORCE/Sswitch to provider 'name'. If 'force' is passed, and one iface is still online, no requester will appear but it will go offline immediately. Case sensitive. Use single quotation marks.
userNAME,PW=PASSWORD/Kchange logged in user to 'name'. If password is known, you can pass it with 'password'. A requester will only appear if required. Case sensitive.
connectIF=IFACENAMES/M,ALL/Slike pressing the "connect" button. If no name is given and only one iface is defined, it will be put online. if more than one are defined, a requester will popup. If you pass interface names (ie. 'ppp' 'magplip0') they will be put online. you can pass more than one iface name. 'all' will put all ifaces online. Case insensitive.
disconnectIF=IFACENAMES/M,ALL/S like pressing the "disconnect" button. If no name is given and only one iface is defined, it will be put offline. If more than one are defined, a requester will popup. If you pass interface names (ie. 'ppp' 'magplip0') they will be put offline. you can pass more than one iface name. 'all' will put all ifaces offline. Case insensitive.
statusIF=IFACENAMEreturn online status of given iface. If no name is given, the status of the first iface is returned. TRUE = online, FALSE = offline, -1 = error. Case insensitive.
windowOPEN/S,CLOSE/Sopen or close the main window. This will really open/close the window. It will not iconify it (like SHOW/HIDE).

4.2 Using the Main Interface

This is the interface used to connect to your provider, local area network (LAN) or other network (PLIP etc).

4.3 Updating the Interface

You can update the Genesis Preferences whilst online/connected. Simply go to the menu of Genesis and launch the preferences from there. Any changes that are done online automatically update once you press "save".

For instance, someone with a small screen may prefer not to see the status information. If you started Genesis from the command line interface, you may have chosen your provider and user via "genesis ". Therefore you may wish not to show the provider/user selectors within the main window.

You would need to go to the Genesis Preferences, into "Options/Display" and tick off "show log", "show user" and "show network".

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